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"From Layoff to Spiritual Entrepreneurship: Embracing the Unexpected Journey"

In the heart of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, I faced a layoff from a well-known manufacturing company. Although this was a time of great stress and anxiety I found myself leaning into the quiet moments with the Lord. It was during this time of intimacy with him that I experienced an unexpected transformation. This transformation wasn't just about career or financial stability but a profound spiritual journey that reshaped my understanding of purpose, success, and entrepreneurship.


I would say that at this time I was sure I had an idea of what my plan was. What my calling was but I can honestly say that 4 years later I was unable to see the forest for the trees!


The Unwanted Path of Entrepreneurship


Entrepreneurship was never in my plan. I longed for the stability and predictability of a 9-5 job, a path well-trodden and reassuringly familiar. However, in the silence that followed my layoff, I felt a stirring in my spirit, a seed of entrepreneurship being planted by the Lord. This was not a path I had chosen for myself, yet it became clear that it was the path chosen for me. Despite my initial resistance, I began to offer bookkeeping services and was met with immediate success. It was a clear sign that even in my reluctance, I was being guided towards something greater than I had imagined for myself.


The Choice and Its Consequences


July 2020 presented a crucial decision: to follow the unfolding vision God had for me or to return to the comfort of a conventional job. I chose the latter, a decision that led me down a path filled with frustration and financial struggle.

I believe this is a decision we are all faced with in our callings. We often have a vision in mind, and when faced with returning to it we can sometimes think it is the best course of action.

Each time I consider this I think of how easy it is to try and leave behind the unknown because it is uncomfortable to lean of God so we look for a space that we can stand on our own feet. This is often what keeps us from seeing the fullness of his promises come to pass. For me It was a stark reminder that stepping away from his guidance can lead us into turmoil, or at the very least turbulent waters.

However, in his grace he will always set us on the right path. Therefore, in February 2023, amidst a cycle of toil, I received a vision for the path forward. This time, the message was clear: leave the full-time job and build the business God had placed in my heart.


The Realization and Renewed Focus


I began to step into the call of God for my business however, my commitment wavered, and my vision was narrow. Because, I failed to consult God about the business's true purpose, I saw it merely as a means to an end. Therefore, I gave it very little attention. This is where I learned a vital lesson. Even with the promises of God, we have a responsibility to steward them well. The poorly stewarded promise of God will fail to bear the fruit it was meant to. This all starts with how we view it. If we see it as unimportant, we will manage it as such.

It has taken me a year of time and introspection to understand that this business was not just about financial provision but was intertwined with my prophetic mantle. It was a call to support Marketplace Apostles, helping them to bring order and realize the vision God had entrusted to them.


A Year of Growth and Clarity


A year later, my perspective has shifted dramatically. I've come to understand the dual purpose of my business: to educate business owners on managing their finances and to partner with Non-Profit organizations in fulfilling their divine missions. This realization has been liberating and empowering, highlighting that my journey through layoffs, financial hardship, and moments of doubt was preparing me for this very moment.


Looking Forward with Purpose


As I stand at the beginning of this new chapter, my heart is full of anticipation for the partnerships and growth that lie ahead. My business is not just a means of livelihood but a ministry, a tool for empowerment, and a fulfillment of my divine calling. It's a testament to the fact that sometimes, the paths we resist the most are the ones that lead us to our greatest purpose.


Embracing Your Unexpected Journey


To anyone standing at the crossroads of uncertainty, facing down paths you never envisioned taking, know this: there is a plan for you, filled with hope, growth, and purpose. Your journey may not look like anyone else's, and it may take you through valleys of doubt and mountains of challenge, but it is uniquely yours. Embrace it, learn from it, and allow it to unfold. The journey from layoff to spiritual entrepreneurship has taught me that in surrendering to the unexpected, we open ourselves to the extraordinary.


As we move forward, let's do so with open hearts and minds, ready to embrace the plans laid out for us, even if they lead us down roads less traveled. The path of faith-led entrepreneurship is not just about building businesses; it's about building lives, communities, and a legacy that transcends our own.

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