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"Is Servant Leadership the Key to Entrepreneurial Success?"

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?”

-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr-

Today, as I ponder my path, a particular class from my MBA resonates strongly with me, highlighting a pivotal shift observed among the most successful individuals across various fields. This shift wasn't towards a greater pursuit of personal success, but rather, a deeper commitment to serving others. It's a philosophy that, I believe, touches the core of every genuine entrepreneur at some point in their journey. There comes a moment of realization that our lives are not meant to be lived in isolation for our own benefit but are intricately linked to serving those around us.

Take, for example, the soldier who bravely faces battles for the greater good, or the politician who is meant to serve the needs and wants of their constituents. Yet, as entrepreneurs, it's easy to fall into the trap of making our ventures solely about ourselves. I want to share my experience in the hope that it might illuminate the path from a self-centered pursuit to one of selfless service.

When I began my career as an accountant, my primary motivation was to serve others. However, as time passed, this noble pursuit gradually gave way to a relentless chase for more money, marking the most unfulfilling period of my life. It was during this phase that I experienced a profound spiritual awakening. Four years ago, amidst the chaos brought on by COVID-19, I felt a divine nudge to offer bookkeeping services, not with the intention of acquiring lifelong clients, but to empower entrepreneurs by teaching them the language of business.

Embarking on this journey, I initially struggled, unwittingly using my business as a means to an end. This is a common pitfall for many, particularly small, family-owned businesses. Yet, there's a prevailing wisdom that by identifying and serving our intended audience or calling, we can escape the relentless pursuit of wealth. In doing so, we allow our vision to lead, resulting in success as a natural byproduct of our service to others.

Interestingly, I never aspired to be an entrepreneur; my dream was to be an accountant. However, the vision God placed in my heart awakened within me gifts that are essential for running a business aimed at serving a specific demographic. This revelation holds true for anyone, regardless of the industry or mission.

I share this personal journey to underscore the importance of holding onto the vision, especially when bogged down by the minutiae of daily operations. It's easy to lose sight of our purpose during challenging times, but I firmly believe that by refocusing on the vision laid before us, we invite the Spirit of the Lord to call forth the greatness within us.

So, to anyone feeling disheartened or overwhelmed, remember not to lose hope or faith. Difficult seasons are often the precursor to significant breakthroughs. As we pivot from seeking personal success to serving others, we unlock a level of fulfillment and success far beyond what we initially imagined.

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